Privacy Policy

HACAPKS Privacy Policy

To bring the best experience to all players when accessing the website. Then download MOD APK games to your device to enjoy. We have put in place privacy policies to create the most secure and functional Website possible. Therefore, to clearly understand the policies and agree to the conditions given. You need to read the information below before you start downloading the games and enjoying them.

Information security

After collecting the data provided by you. We are committed to keeping your information confidential and safe, so it cannot be disclosed. Make sure information is only stored for a certain period. At the same time, data can be deleted during system maintenance. Here, you can completely trust and provide useful information. Because the safety and security of your and everyone else’s personal information is a top priority for us.

Collect information

When you visit our HACAPKS Website to experience MOD APK games. We will collect data to provide the best experiences to users. Specifically, IP addresses and browser cookies will be collected. Thereby supporting you to access the Web safely and quickly. You and everyone can leave feedback such as comments and reviews below the posts. From that data, they will be better able to create a useful Web site.

You need to note, in addition to the IP address and Cookies mentioned above. We do not collect any other data related to visitor information. If you receive a request to provide information other than the two data mentioned above. You can notify us directly to your Email or Telegram address so that we can promptly handle it and prevent it. Accordingly, the information provided by you will be highly appreciated. Helps us promptly detect and quickly fix problems.


  • HACAPKS side: The data collected from users will be used on the website to meet the needs of all visitors.
  • User side: Web visitors are responsible for providing the necessary data to be able to experience the services, as well as enjoy MOD APK games on our Web. Note, if you use fake information when accessing the Web, it may not ensure the user’s rights. Therefore, we do not accept responsibility for this issue.

Policy changes

The process of building and developing the Web will have many activities taking place. Therefore, we will have the right to adjust our privacy policy and make regulations. If you regularly access and interact with the Web. To ensure you can grasp the latest information. We encourage you to monitor and review the policy regularly to stay informed of its terms.