3D Pool Ball MOD (Features Menu Pro, Infinite Money, Line Support) APK

3D Pool Ball MOD (Features Menu Pro, Infinite Money, Line Support) APK

MOD Android 4.4+ Google Play
3D Pool Ball MOD (Features Menu Pro, Infinite Money, Line Support) APK
Publisher CanaryDroid
Size 77MB
Version (Latest)
Category Sport

From HACAPKS download the 3D Pool Ball MOD (Features Menu Pro, Infinite Money, Line Support) APK game to your device. After that, you will be able to participate in billiard shooting sports competitions. Follow the 1vs1 competitive gameplay on a realistically reproduced billiard table. You will work with your opponent to make each shot put all your balls in the hole. Finish before your opponent wins and end the competition. You will then receive a betting bonus that can be accumulated and used for trading activities. As well as coming to the next betting matches. This game is experienced in online mode. With the support feature to find random opponents based on many factors such as locality, country, and more around the world. Depending on each chosen topic, you will be able to compete with many opponents.

3D Pool Ball Hack MOD – Billiards Competitions Take Place Online 1vs1

Get ready to participate in the billiard shooting competition in the 3D Pool Ball MOD Features game. The gameplay will be turn-based to perform actions. There are 15 numbered marbles and 1 white marble, also known as the cue ball. After a ball with the first number is shot into the hole, subtract the number 8. At this point, it will be decided how many balls each person needs to shoot. For example, you are the first person to shoot the number 5 ball into the hole. The system will divide itself, from marbles numbered 1 to 7 are yours and marbles numbered 9 to 15 are your opponent’s. After shooting all your balls, you will finally shoot the number 8 ball into the hole to end the match and win. However, if on the billiard table, you or your opponent have not put all your balls in the hole. At this point, shooting the 8 ball will immediately result in a loss, helping the opponent easily win.3D Pool Ball MOD

Shooting action when it’s your turn

Based on the turn-based billiard shooting mechanism taking place at 3D Pool Ball MOD Infinite Money. Each time it’s your turn, you’ll do two steps. First, adjust the angle of the cue to aim at the white marble, aiming to accurately hit the numbered marble to put it into the hole. Then, you will adjust the shooting force to act. If you can put your ball in the hole, you will receive the next shot and take the shot. On the contrary, if the ball does not go into the hole, it will be the opponent’s turn. The match will last until one of the two people shoots all their balls and puts the number 8 in the hole.3D Pool Ball MOD

Control mechanism

The control mechanism of the 3D Pool Ball MOD Line Support game is designed to be intuitive. In the left corner of the screen is a ruler to adjust the angle. You just need to touch and swipe up or down to adjust the cue to aim at the white marble. Besides, the right corner of the screen displays a cue stick used to adjust the shooting force. Similar to above, just touch and drag to the corresponding extent. From there, creating strong, light, or just enough shooting force. By the precise combination of adjusting the angle and shooting force. You can put the numbered ball in the hole to score points and win.3D Pool Ball MOD APK

Line support

The process of examining a billiards match. Every time it is your turn to shoot, you will be supported with a short line. Helps you determine the path the ball will take after making angle adjustments. Through the ruler, the lines will change accordingly. However, the line only has a certain length and cannot be determined accurately. Therefore, it takes skill and experience to be able to put the ball in the hole.Game 3D Pool Ball MOD

More than 100 cues and billiard tables

According to information provided by 3D Pool Ball MOD. Currently, the game has more than 100 cues and many different billiard tables for you to choose from. They are designed to stand out with unique skins depicted. For example, a cue stick with skins is prominently depicted on the handle. Similarly, there are many types of billiard tables with differences expressed through different colored table tops. Along with the table edge designed in contrasting colors, creating uniqueness for players.3D Pool Ball MOD

The 3D Pool Ball APK game opens billiards matches with different themes. Including 1vs1 online matches, same level, same country, and worldwide. Or compete offline against AI-controlled opponents. Each topic will bring its own experience. Along with the challenges of having to compete with each opponent to find the winner. But besides that, there will be a chance to receive many attractive rewards. Through completing specific given tasks. Win against your opponents for a chance to receive a treasure chest. Even receive rewards for spinning the lucky wheel. This will help you get many valuable rewards.

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Written by Nam Du (3 days ago)