Zombie Combat Simulator MOD (Pro Menu, Unlimited Money, Full Ammo, 1Hit Kill, No Death) APK 1.5.4

Zombie Combat Simulator MOD (Pro Menu, Unlimited Money, Full Ammo, 1Hit Kill, No Death) APK 1.5.4

MOD Android 5.1+ Google Play
Zombie Combat Simulator MOD (Pro Menu, Unlimited Money, Full Ammo, 1Hit Kill, No Death) APK 1.5.4
Publisher Airblade Studio
Size 54MB
Version 1.5.4 (Latest)
Category Action

Zombie Combat Simulator is an anti-zombie shooting game. Takes place in a third-person shooter action mechanism. Play as a unit of soldiers equipped with weapons and support equipment. You will cooperate with other units or alone against waves of attacks from enemies. Take place in real-time on the battlefield, and deploy attack strategies with teammates. Combine with personal skills to constantly destroy, to reduce the danger. The goal is to wipe out everything to win, thereby completing the assigned task. Zombie Combat Simulator MOD (Pro Menu, Unlimited Money, Full Ammo, 1Hit Kill, No Death) APK 1.5.4 takes place in offline mode with unique customization features. However, you can also participate in online multiplayer mode and LAN connection mode.

Zombie Combat Simulator Hack MOD – Shooting War Against Zombies

The Zombie Combat Simulator game can be downloaded from HACAPKS. Unleash battles against waves of terrifying zombie attacks. Through the third-person perspective of a gunman. You will participate in battle with other players or teammates controlled by AI. Use equipped weapons, combined with skills to destroy enemies. That process is very fierce because zombies are an army in large numbers. They possess different abilities that can take the lives of you and your teammates when approached. Therefore, there needs to be a strategy for cooperation between gunmen to survive. Find the solution to destroy all enemies in real-time and win.Zombie Combat Simulator MOD APK

Gameplay and rules

Based on the rules of play taking place in the fight against zombies at Zombie Combat Simulator. Divided into two factions, a team of gunmen are equipped with various weapons. The other faction is a crowd of zombies possessing special abilities. During a maximum 20-minute countdown, the battle will take place in one location. The waves of zombie attacks are very fierce, aiming to take the lives of soldier units. Facing that situation requires a strategy. For example, gathering together to shoot, thereby destroying a large number of oncoming zombies. Or when they are cornered, you can move and attack at the same time to preserve your life. The fight will stop after the time is over. Or maybe sooner if one of the two factions is completely destroyed.Zombie Combat Simulator MOD

Sandbox mode

The Zombie Combat Simulator game also offers players a sandbox mode. Here it is possible to customize the rules with many different changes. Accordingly, you can choose a map to take place in battle. Create friendly soldier units that appear anywhere. As well as the presence of scary zombies in arbitrary numbers. Or a certain time limit in the battle and conditions for winning or losing. Furthermore, you can also customize the gunman’s damage resistance and health amount. Even choose weapons to attack in your way. Depending on the combination of options, a battle can be created with its own rules.Game Zombie Combat Simulator MOD

Online and LAN mode

The Zombie Combat Simulator game can also help you be accompanied by friends and other online players. Through two modes of connection to LAN and online multiplayer. In each mode, the connection is different. For example, participating in Lan network mode will be through devices that share the same Lan network connection. From then on, we become teammates to fight the enemy. Besides, online mode allows you to meet many players around the world. Become teammates to cooperate and deploy zombie attack strategies.Zombie Combat Simulator MOD

Gun system

Zombie Combat Simulator offers a diverse collection of guns. Includes many different types provided by the developer. For example, rifles, machine guns, sniper rifles, double barrels, shotguns, and more. Each type has a different shape, size, and attack style. For example, a double-barreled gun will attack with great damage. But after each shot, you will have to reload bullets to continue attacking. Besides, the capabilities of the guns are shown through indicators. Including damage, rate of fire, range, critical strike rate, number of bullets, reload time, and accuracy.Zombie Combat Simulator MOD

The process of the zombie shooting battle in Zombie Combat Simulator. Will be based on an intuitively designed control mechanism. Use the joystick feature to move on the battlefield. Combine with unique icons to perform actions. For example, open the scope, reload, use the flashlight for lighting, and change weapons. At the same time, you can also use the chat feature to chat with teammates. From there, deploy the strategy and implement it together to achieve high efficiency.

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Written by Nam Du (3 weeks ago)