Alien Shooter 2 MOD (Pro Menu, Infinite Money, Zero Transactions) APK 2.6.7

Alien Shooter 2 MOD (Pro Menu, Infinite Money, Zero Transactions) APK 2.6.7

MOD Android 4.4+ Google Play
Alien Shooter 2 MOD (Pro Menu, Infinite Money, Zero Transactions) APK 2.6.7
Publisher Sigma Team
Size 72MB
Version 2.6.7 (Latest)
Category Action

Continue the mission of fighting to protect the world in the game Alien Shooter 2 MOD. You can download it from HACAPKS to continue the content from the previous version. With more fierce and intense battles than before. Accordingly, you will play the role of one of the familiar characters. Then participate in battles in dark space. Face scary monsters and zombies in the secret base of Magma Corporation. The goal is to clarify unknown secrets while destroying waves of attacks from enemies. Success wipes out all to win. At the same time, complete the mission to continue the new journey. With greater challenges and hidden dangers waiting ahead.

Alien Shooter 2 Hack MOD – Shoot Against Enemies To Uncover Mysteries

Get acquainted with familiar characters from the previous part of Alien Shooter 2 MOD Infinite Money. Including engineer Nicholas, General Baker, genius professor, and companion Kate Lia. Each character is shaped in its unique style. That difference is shown through appearance, outfit, appearance, and equipment. Accordingly, before participating in the battle you can choose a desired character. However, it is necessary to learn about their strength and fighting ability. Because each character will possess its attributes. With different strengths advantages and disadvantages. At the same time, over time, collect equipment to use for the character. From there, not only does the appearance change, but also improves strength.Alien Shooter 2 MOD APK

Campaign missions

Based on the content of the game Alien Shooter 2 MOD Zero Transactions. Ready to challenge yourself in battles in campaign mode. With challenging and difficult matches waiting ahead. Accordingly, you will play the role of a hero and equip weapons and support equipment. Face waves of fearsome enemies in an area. Can freely fight and perform your own actions. However, specific tasks must be done. At the same time, find a way to survive the fierce attacks. After the battle ends, successfully wipe out the enemy. Based on the given tasks, qualified completion will receive rewards. On the contrary, if you cannot complete it, it means the mission fails and you have to start again.Alien Shooter 2 MOD


The rewards received after completing a battle are varied. These include badges, money, weapons, and many other important items. Here achievements will be expressed through the number of stars, a maximum 3 stars. At the same time, in each battle, the system will require 3 specific tasks. This means each star will correspond to a mission. Based on the number of stars achieved, you will receive valuable rewards.Alien Shooter 2 MOD

Difficulty increased

On to the next battle in Alien Shooter 2‘s campaign mode. The challenge will increase with more difficulties to face. Not only are attacks from zombie enemies and monsters more intense than before. But you have to explore a new area that contains countless other dangers. Sometimes even face scary monster bosses. This will make it difficult for you to survive. You will even lose your life and have to admit defeat during the battle.Game Alien Shooter 2 MOD

Online multiplayer

The game Alien Shooter 2 MOD also offers players online multiplayer mode. Instead of facing scary monsters in each area. Here, competitive matches will take place between shooters around the world. According to the rules of play, there is no support from other players and each person is a faction. From there, prove your skills against other opponents. Successfully survive until only one person remains on the map.

Hundreds of types of equipment

During the battle of Alien Shooter 2 MOD APK. Many different weapons and equipment can be used. According to the information provided, the game has hundreds of types of equipment. This includes many guns to use. For example, rifles, sniper guns, machine guns, submachine guns, AK guns,… and much more. They can be collected by receiving rewards after completing tasks. Each gun used will attack in its style. At the same time, it is also possible to enhance stats to improve abilities. Through resource usage activities to conduct upgrades.Alien Shooter 2 MOD

In addition to the diverse gun system included in Alien Shooter 2 APK MOD, there are many other support devices used in battle. Examples include drones, first aid kits, and grenades. Each type will bring its special ability when used. However, you need to pay attention to the quantity, because each type is limited. For example, a first aid kit will restore lost blood, helping the character increase their survival rate. Or grenades are thrown and cause widespread explosions.

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Written by Nam Du (1 month ago)